Jo Becker

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    Jo Becker 4 articles

    • 4 884

    Washington Post Staff Writer

Leaving No Tracks (4)

Environmental Policy - Dick Cheney steered some of the Bush administration's most important environmental decisions -- easing air pollution controls, opening public parks to snowmobiles and diverting river water from threatened salmon.

A Strong Push From Back Stage (3)

Dominating Budget Decisions - Working behind the scenes, Dick Cheney has made himself the dominant voice on tax and spending policy, outmaneuvering rivals for the president's ear.

Pushing the Envelope on Presidential Power (2)

Wars and Interrogations - Convinced that the “war on terror” required “robust interrogations” of captured suspects, Dick Cheney pressed the Bush administration to carve out exceptions to the Geneva Conventions.

A Different Understanding With the President (1)

Working in the Background - A master of bureaucracy and detail, Cheney exerts most of his influence out of public view.