1er Juillet 2014
4 juillet 2014
Réflexion…En ce jour du 4 juillet aux USA…
Commentaire typique écossais ; « D’accord, alors le USA va célébrer le Jour de la Séparation ou de l’indépendance, lors de leur fête nationale du 4 juillet ? »
Obama a dit que c’est au peuple écossais de décider lors du référendum en septembre, même s’il a indiqué qu’il ne veut pas que le Royaume-Uni se sépare.
Doit-on conclure que si un référendum sur l'indépendance des USA face à l'Angleterre se faisait aujourd'hui, Obama ferait parti des opposants à l'indépendance américaine?
Typical Scottish response: “Right - so the USA will be celebrating Separation Day on July 4th then?”
Obama Sticks His Oar Into Scottish Independence Debate
Speaking during a press conference with Cameron at the G7 summit Belgium on Thursday, Obama said it was up to the people of Scotland how to vote in September's referendum, but indicated he did not want to see the UK break-up.
The Huffington Post UK 05/06/2014
Laurent Desbois: Petite histoire vécue…
Typical Scottish response: “Right - so the USA will be celebrating Separation Day on July 4th then?”
A few years ago, I was on a business trip to Africa, where I met a retired general from the New Zealand army.
- How is the Québec separation issue doing?
- Did New Zealand separate from the UK?
That was the end of that discussion, and we have become good friends and he now asks me “How is the Québec independence situation coming along?”
I must say that I was very proud when he confided to me that a hand full of our very best, The Van Doos, saved his butt during a mission in Uganda… when the British High tailed it and left him high and dry! LOL