Le compte à rebours est commencé, le Québec français disparaîtra en 2035

6 octobre 2017

L'ethnie des Canadiens-Français est une des populations les plus étudiées au monde pour des raisons médicales liées aux caractéristiques de l'histoire du peuplement du Québec.
Bien que Grégoire Bergeron fasse allusion à la génétique, il me semble, à moins que j'ai mal lu l'article, qu'il ne donne pas d'informations précises sur le patrimoine génétique des Canadiens Français.
Or,plusieurs études existent à ce sujet & mettent en évidence l'écrasante contribution des pères fondateurs français dans le pool génétique des Canadiens-Français modernes..
90% du pool génétique des Canadiens-Français modernes provient des 8000 Français, premiers pères fondateurs de la Nouvelle France.
" Here we characterize the population structure through the analysis of the genetic contribution of 7,798 immigrant founders identified in the genealogies of 2,221 subjects partitioned in eight regions. In all but one region, about 90% of gene pools were contributed by early French founders. In the eastern region where this contribution was 76%, we observed higher contributions of Acadians, British and American Loyalists."

" The current population of six million French-Canadians in Quebec are descendants of about 8,500 French settlers who colonized the province between 1608 and 1759, before the English conquest [17], [18]. Although colonization included emigrants from all of France, the migration event mostly originated from the Atlantic coast and Paris region. After 1760, French immigration virtually stopped, and the French-Canadian population experienced rapid growth due to a high birth rate, and became genetically isolated from France with limited exchange with other non-French communities in the same geographical area [19]. Overall, French-Canadians have experienced a growth from 8,500 to six million individuals, which represents a population expansion of more 700% in less than 20 generations. While other colonized territories in America or Oceania may have experienced a similar growth, the uniqueness of the French-Canadian population is due in part to the reduced contribution of new immigration after the first settlers [20] and the founding population is estimated to have contributed 90% of the current French-Canadian genetic pool [21]. "

Idem en ce qui concerne la distance génétique, Fst, entre les populations du Québec, de Montréal & de deux populations de référence issues du HapMap CEU-central europe) &
HGDP French(human genome diversity panel).

" We calculated Fst statistics to assess population sub-division within Quebec and between Quebec and the two reference populations. We observed Fst values of 0.0014and 0.00078 between the Quebec sample, taken as a whole,and HapMap CEU and HGDP French, respectively. Fst between the Montreal sample and HapMap CEU and HGDP French were 0.0020 and 0.0012, respectively.Within Quebec (Table 1), Fst values ranged from 0.001(between Quebec City and Montreal, and Saguenay andNorth Shore) to 0.008 (between Acadians and North Shore,and Acadians and Saguenay)"
C'est avec le HGDP French que les distances génétiques sont les plus faibles.
La contribution des "Native American"est estimée à 1,3% en moyenne; de 0,84% à 2,5%..
"Using HAPMIX [39], the overall degree of Native American admixture in the Quebec population was estimated at 1.3±1.3%, with 3-fold differences (0.84 to 2.50%) between population groups (Table 1) and much greater variation among individual genomes"