Maclean's - corruption Québec

Jan Wong famously wrote in the Globe and Mail that the Dawson and Polytechnique killings found their roots in Quebec’s language laws. That prejudiced nonsense was backed by the Globe’s editors (to Jean Charest’s very great chagrin.
Lawrence Martin based part of his book demonizing Lucien Bouchard on a psychologists opinion that the separatist leader was mentally deranged (Wait: aren’t those synonyms: separatist and deranged?).
Mordecai Richler’s book about Quebec, at 85 000 copies sold the most widely-read treatise on Quebec in the ROC, asserted that 66% of my fellow tribesmen were «highly anti-semitic». A greater proportion than in Germany in the early 1930s. Even Peter Gzowski defended him.
Diane Francis lamented that separatist leaders could not be hanged just for professing their beliefs. She was named Woman of The Year by Chatelaine. " - [Jean-François Lisée->31032]
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