In today’s National Post Newspaper (October 29,2007), the front page illustrated a continuing outflow of people from Quebec. Remarkably, the number of people who have left Quebec between 2006 and 2007 are in record numbers since 1991 (more than 40,000).
According to every “expert”, all is well in Quebec. The economy is good. The government is stable, in as much as no one is calling for a referendum to separate Quebec from Canada any time soon. And there’s a Liberal Party heading the government.
Jack Jedwab, is a demographer who is often quoted by the media, such as the National Post and other serious news outlets as the go-to-guy for making-out heads and tails of Quebec’s demography, just as he was in this article.
I have written many times, such as in my last editorial, that it was not because I couldn’t hold my own [against the ethnocentric Quebecois nationalists->La-nation-ethnique-et-la-nation] that Anne and I left Quebec, but rather, it was because of the Anglo appeasers and sell-outs.
Jack Jedwab, the media’s Quebec expert, was one of those more prominent Anglo sell-outs.
When Jedwab was the Quebec Director of the Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC) headquartered in Montreal, and I was doing a daily live radio talk show in Montreal, he and I had more than a few harsh words for each other.
Jedwab was an appeaser extraordinaire, to the point where the Separatist Bloc Quebec leader in Ottawa, Michel Gautier, turned to the Jewish Community to have me castigated for my stand against Quebec’s ethnocentric nationalism.
It was left up to Jack Jedwab to explain, with considerable embarrassment, that the Canadian Jewish Congress does not speak on behalf of the Jewish community, and does not have the capacity to censure me for expressing my views because I am Jewish.
Why in a million years did Quebec’s Separatist Party think the Canadian Jewish Congress would ever consider censuring a Jewish individual for his opinions? It would be like a Jew going to the Catholic Church to censure Lucien Bouchard for heading an ethnocentric nationalistic political Party, expecting that they would.
The reason is simple.
Jack Jedwab gave the Separatists the impression that he was on their side.
In Jack’s CJC office, hung a very large framed copy of the Quebec Charter of Rights encased in glass directly behind his desk. The Quebec Charter of Rights was written only in the French language.
I asked him where the Canadian Charter of Rights was hung? His answer to me was that they didn’t need to have two Charters in the office since they were “just about” the same. And this is Quebec.
There was also a prominent white and blue Quebec flag displayed prominently in the CJC lobby. I don’t recall seeing the Red Maple Leaf. It might have been there. But it was the Quebec flag that was front and center.
When everyone in Canada, with the exception of most of French Quebec is remembering and honoring our fallen soldiers on Remembrance Day, November 11, Quebec is celebrating “Quebec Citizenship Week”.
What the hell is Quebec Citizenship, since there is no such thing as a Quebec citizen? There are Quebec residents who are Canadian citizens. But there are no Quebec citizens. Not yet anyway.
Imagine how I felt when I saw the official Quebec document on Quebec citizenship week with the name of Jack Jedwab as the co-chairman of Quebec Citizenship Week, with the Jewish emblem of the Canadian Jewish Congress beside his name and title?
If you were an ethnocentric Quebecois nationalist, and was able to get that kind of support from the Quebec Director of the Canadian Jewish Congress, to offer such substantial legitimacy to the lie that Quebec has citizens, wouldn’t you imagine this guy is on-side for anything, including censuring a Jew for his unkind opinion of Quebec nationalism?
Jedwab has not been the Director of the CJC for quite some time, but the damage was done. He did the damage. And now he’s the spokesman for analyzing the reasons why people are leaving Quebec.
Jack Jedwab needs to look in the mirror.
The National Post article slants the outflow of people from Quebec as if they are immigrants to Canada, looking for better opportunities elsewhere in the country. But that impression is not substantiated.
Personally, I am more inclined to believe that the continuing “exodus” from Quebec has more to do with Anglos leaving, than anyone else.
- source
No One Likes To Say I Told You So.
A Vote For Galganov Is A Vote For Yourself
By Howard Galganov
Friday, October 26, 2007
No one likes to say I told you so isn’t true. Everyone loves to say I told you so. So why should I be an exception?
During the peak of QPAC’s (Quebec Political Action Committee) battles in Quebec, against ethnocentric Quebecois nationalism, I made it abundantly clear that any surrender of one’s rights, is a surrender of all rights.
I was more disliked by the English media than I was by the French media. I was more detested by English elitists and academics than I was by the average French Quebecer.
To these Anglo apologists for Quebec’s bad behavior, I was just a troublemaker who didn’t know how to get along with our French friends and neighbors. I wasn’t sufficiently generous or sensitive to their “legitimate” cultural fears and needs.
They called me, and others like me extremists, hardliners and Angryphones.
Their biggest beef was that I WASN’T A BRIDGE BUILDER.
I am on record as saying: The mindset of a people (Quebecois) who wish to be superior to all other people, is the same mindset that motivated the Nazis. What happened in Nazi Europe was nothing more than just a matter of degrees of ethnocentric nationalism brought to its ultimate conclusion.
For this statement I was pilloried in the English media. But that didn’t make me wrong.
Let’s see what has happened in Quebec vis a vis equal rights, since the Anglo “establishment” went out of their way to accommodate the racist demands of the French majority.
Small businesses have been fined with their assets seized for wanting to have equal bilingual signs on their trucks and premises. Because of this, some of those businesses have been forced to close.
Larger businesses (50 plus employees) must produce a certificate of “Francization” - meaning they pass the good culture test.
School children are denied the right to be educated in the English language. Newborn babies with names that didn’t satisfy the Quebecois culture, such as Stormy and Ivory were refused birth registration by Quebec.
The province of Quebec has shut down several prominent English language hospitals. All English language hospitals have lost their right to be English language hospitals, and are now designated as bilingual hospitals where French must have a marked predominance over the English language.
If your mother-tongue is English, but you speak, read and write perfect French, don’t bother applying to the Quebec government for a job, since government jobs in Quebec are only for “real” Quebecers. Anglos occupy less than 1% of all Quebec government jobs.
Louise Beaudoin, the former Quebec Minister responsible for “protecting” the French language tried to pass a language law (Bill 40) that would have allowed Quebec’s language police the right to enter any place of business, even a home office, to search for “illegal” English documents without the need of a warrant.
Anglo elitists streamed down highway 20 towards Quebec City to attend hearings on the proposed Bill, where they requested the right to “debate” this law.
What was there to debate? If a person is willing to debate how many rights he or she should have compared to others, that person has already accepted the legitimacy of the premise for the debate.
To the very best of my knowledge, I was the only person personally invited by Beaudoin’s Ministry to present a brief. They were so desperate to have me at this hearing, so that my presence would give it legitimacy, they called me repeatedly to attend.
Standing before an audience of more than 1,000 supporters at the Holiday Inn Pointe Claire, with media in attendance from across Canada, I delivered my response to Beaudoin:
“I will never negotiate any of my rights. Not one of them. Not yesterday. Not today. Not tomorrow – NEVER! And if Bill 40 becomes law, I promise that Quebec will see a volume of civil disobedience, the likes of which, Quebec has never seen before.”
In spite of the Anglo appeasers who couldn’t wait to be heard in Quebec, Bill 40 never saw the light of day. The ethnocentric Quebecois nationalists took me at my word and backed down.
As I have written many times, I left Quebec not because I couldn’t fight ethnocentric Quebecois nationalism. I left because I simply could not fight the combination of the Anglo media, Anglo elitists and Anglo academics.
From the beginning of French Quebec’s war against its English speaking minority from the 1970’s to date, it is estimated that as many as a half million people left Quebec to get away from ethnocentric Quebecois nationalism. This is a loss that can never be recovered.
In spite of every Anglo surrender and act of appeasement to preserve the “language peace”, as Quebec politicians loved to say, things for minorities within Quebec are not getting better, but are in fact getting worse.
As I am writing this editorial, Quebecois nationalists from the government-on-down are debating the most draconian, arbitrary and egregious new policies governing the rights non French Quebecers should have, compared to the rights of French Quebecers.
The Anglo appeasers and Quislings sold out, and got nothing in return for their acts of compliant cowardice. Today, the Montreal Gazette, the biggest appeaser and coward of them all is wringing its hands in desperation, wondering what the ethnocentric Quebecois nationalists might do next.
So now I will say it: I TOLD YOU SO! Funny thing though, saying it gives me no pleasure whatsoever.
As always, I thank you for your reading Galganov Dot Com, and for your support. Please spread the word.
Best regards . . . Howard Galganov
- source
The Quebec Messenger Is The Problem
Suivi de "No One Likes To Say I Told You So."
GALGANOV - la preuve qu'on peut être juif, anglophone et emmerdeur de première

Howard Galganov9 articles
[->]Prurit Galganov - l'homme qui se gratte le bobo à vos frais... - Héros autoproclamé d'un "far-west" imaginaire, anti-Québécois jusqu'à la folie..., Galganov est un Don Quichotte de pacotille, ...
Cliquer ici pour plus d'information
[->]Prurit Galganov - l'homme qui se gratte le bobo à vos frais... - Héros autoproclamé d'un "far-west" imaginaire, anti-Québécois jusqu'à la folie..., Galganov est un Don Quichotte de pacotille, un activiste en carton-pâte hollywoodien, une starlette de l'échec et mat auto-administré, qui met en scène sa paranoïa ("Tuez Galganov!", lit-on sur la couverture de son livre "Bastards"...), récoltant ainsi les appui$ à la "grande cause" de sa vie: GALGANOV... - Vigile
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