The latest issue of Maclean's magazine states unequivocally that we are the most corrupt province in the country
But if Premier Charest set up the inquiry to draw media and public attention away from the construction mess, as many suspect, it seems to have worked.
Dans ce journal raciste canadian, le mot magique "Ethnic" dénie les conflits historiques entre deux nations incapables de coexister dans le cadre impérial canadian... L'aspiration à la liberté des Québécois se traduit chez eux comme intolérance, xénophobie, racisme, voire pis encore...
This version of walled-off ethnic identity simply will not fly, because it's out of touch with reality.
Plusieurs mois plus tard, la Gazette n'a toujours pas compris la nécessité du Bloc... Elle se contente d'ânonner des évidences et des fantasmes.
"Discrimination" de 3.80$ par semaine - ouch! - "Justice anglaise" - Voyons comment la Gazette traitera de la "discrimination" des subventions à l'enseignement supérieur...
Si la Gazette l'écrit...
The warmth, charm, and glamour of Michaelle Jean have given the post of governor-general a profile and stature it had not had since 1952, when Raymond Massey became the first Canadian to hold the job.
Qui gardera les gardiens? - [Juvénal->] « Quis custodiet ipsos custodiet ? » La Gazette répond: "ayons confiance dans nos gardiens, ils ne recommenceront pas". Plomberie impériale!
Selon la Gazette, 900 arrestations, c'est manifestement trop - mais comment expliquer autrement la facture de 1 milliard pour la sécurité?
Our own "Richard riot" of 1955 injured more policemen that this little Toronto shindig
Quebec's mandatory ethics and religious-culture high-school course has been dealt what appears to be a mortal blow by a sensible Superior Court decision defending freedom of religion.