Crise financière mondiale

Revue de presse 8 août 2011

Chronique de Richard Le Hir

Revue de presse produite avec l’aimable collaboration de Richard Le Hir
Les Bourses européennes enregistrent de lourdes pertes

La BCE tente de freiner la contagion en zone euro
Divisions au sein de la BCE? «Certes, les marchés vont tester d'ici là la volonté de la BCE, prévient Cyril Beuzit. Nous pensons qu'elle peut surprendre en intervenant massivement, même si ses outils ne sont pas taillés pour cela.» Reste que la Banque centrale est tiraillée en interne. Jeudi, les représentants des Pays-Bas, de la Finlande, de l'Autriche et d'Allemagne au directoire de la BCE avaient voté contre toute intervention en faveur de l'Italie et de l'Espagne.
La décision de dimanche n'a donc probablement pas été prise à l'unanimité, avance Gilles Moec économiste chez Deutche Bank: «Tout dépend jusqu'où les opposants au sein de la BCE sont prêts à aller. S'ils sont prêt à poser leur démission dans la balance, et seulement dans ce cas, l'absence d'unanimité pourrait poser problème.»

Les fondamentaux sont mauvais
Barack Obama est de plus en plus affaibli
Récit d’un week-end fou : comment Sarkozy, Merkel et Berlusconi ont donné des gages à la BCE

Second US Recession Could Be Worse Than First
2011-20: Decade of U.S. economic hell
_ Commentary: More bad news for ‘America’s Worst Decade’

B. of A., Citi millstones around financial stocks
SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) — Shares of two of the largest U.S. banks flirted with 20% losses Monday, leading the financial sector and broader market down as investors fretted about the ripple effects of Standard & Poor’s downgrade of U.S. government debt.

L'OCDE alerte sur des nouveaux signes de ralentissement économique mondial

ECB Bailout 'Will Cost France' its Triple-A Rating: Kyle Bass

The European Central Bank's bailout, estimated to be about 2 billion euros in Italian and Spanish debt, "will cost France and maybe even Germany their triple-A ratings," Kyle Bass, managing partner of Hayman Capital, told CNBC Monday.

With Bank of America investors finally realizing it is game over for the company

Looking for Market Bottom? You Could Have a Long Wait
A relentless stream of bad news has turned what could have been a short-term market dip into what now looks like a prolonged sell-off—with no bottom in sight.
While the Standard & Poor's downgrade of U.S. debt was in itself a needle-moving event, it has served also to amplify the problems both domestically and elsewhere in the world.
Taking note, investors have engaged in a two-week selling spree, ditching stocks in favor of Treasurys even though the S&P downgrade specifically warned about the stability of U.S. debt and the accompanying credit and rate risks.
"We have a ways to go, just because we keep dropping additional ," said Susan Fulton, founder and principal at FBB Capital Markets in Bethesda, Md. "The lowering of the rating gave everyone time to worry. Europe is still a mess. Our dilemma is as much Europe as the United States, but that doesn't make it any easier."

Fear index soars to 52-week high
By Julianne Pepitone August 8, 2011 - NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Wall Street's key measure of volatility, the VIX, skyrocketed to a 52-week high on Monday, after Standard & Poor's historical downgrade of the United States' credit rating.
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/08/2011 - 11:30
With Bank of America investors finally realizing it is game over for the company as a going concern, at this point there are just two options for Brian Moynihan: the spin off of CFC as a bad bank, backstopped by the Fed, or, well, Chapter 11, which for a bank is essentially liquidation (and with CDS trading up 50 bps to 260 a bankruptcy seems increasingly inevitable). It also means that another TARP is on the way. And once America realizes that another several trillion have to be put into its insolvent banking sector, it will get quite violent. The biggest irony: it is AIG which takes down the financial system for the second time after its lawsuit against BAC filed last night kills Bank of America.


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