Each vote makes a difference
Quebec party logos, from left: Quebec Liberal Party, Coalition Avenir Québec, Parti Québécois, Qu...
Quebec party logos, from left: Quebec Liberal Party, Coalition Avenir Québec, Parti Québécois, Qu...
After what has been a singularly dispiriting election campaign, it is difficult to say with assurance which of the parties with a seri...
"Coynard" et les autres
Depuis le début de la campagne électorale, il ne se passe pratiquement pas une journée sans que les Québécoises et les Québécois qui proposent un renforcement de la 101 soient taxés de xénophobie et de toutes sortes d...
Sociologist and columnist Mathieu Bock-Côté takes questions from Maclean’s
What follows is a translated email exchange I had with Mathieu Bock-Côté for the
Quebec Votes 2012:
Martin Patriquin explains how the PQ’s not-so-subtle attack on English has stoked a disturbing return of identity politics
Pablo and Andrea Morales consider themselves Quebecers. The pair arrived in the province from Mendoza, Argentina, in 2005 and settled in Pierrefonds, a suburb on the western tip of Montreal. The decision to come to Canada came ...
FACE TO FACE: If Parti Quebecois wants cash, should Canada let Quebec go?
By Andy Radia - The Tri-City News - FACE TO FACE: If Parti Quebecois wants cash, should Canada let Quebec go? I think I’m part of a growing number of Canadians who are ready to say “Au revoir” to la Belle Provence. Quebecers will be heading to the polls Tuesday and, for the fifth time in 35 years, seem poised to elect the separatist Parti Quebecois. The PQ has already pub...
The Liberals have been in power for nine years, during which time Bergman has been likened to a Minister of Jewish Affairs. The PQ does not have any Jewish candidates while the CAQ has high-profile Jewish candidate Maud Cohen
Mike Cohen - Quebec Bureau Chief - MONTREAL – As the Quebec election campaign draws to a close, with voting set fo...
Des arguments insignifiants au service d'un projet d'assimilation furtive! Ou l'art de faire dévier le débat sur des niaiseries. Stratégie occupationnelle.
Judging from the Parti Québécois rhetoric this election campaign, tightening Quebec’s language laws to promote the use of French and discourage the spread of English would be the major preoccupation of a PQ government. Pauline Marois has pledged to introduce a new and more stringent version of Bill 101 within the first 100 days of a PQ government taking office after Tuesday’s provincial election. This new Bill...
Commentaire de l’article très clair de madame Sophie DUROCHER
Un Québec, état provincial, français, (Charte de la langue française), et laïc, (Charte de la laïcité), jouissant de la reconnaissance juridique provinciale. Avez-vous lu les journaux canadiens-anglais pendant la campagne électorale ? Si oui : vous avez dû vous étouffer quelques fois dans votre tasse de café. Si non : cela vaut la peine d’aller regarder de l’autre côté de votre épaule, de l’autre côté...
At the height of her now famous confrontation with François Lega...
If you’ve been enjoying a news-free vacation lately (highly recommended for your mental health), you may be in for a nasty shock. ...
You wouldn’t guess it listening to Parti Québécois leader Pauline Marois these days, but there was a time when the separatist party cour...
Quebecers who are not adamantly in favour of separating from Canada but are tempted to vote for the Parti Québécois simply in the hope of getting better governance should pause to ponder the full consequences of electing a PQ government. Such voters might be reassured by PQ Leader Pauline Marois’s ambivalence about whether she would call another sovereignty referendum in the first ter...
Three short weeks ago, the provincial-election campaign started out with the Liberal government facing a corruption scandal, an army of marching students and accusations that it was worn out after three terms in power. For Quebec’s opposition parties, the Sept. 4 election call must have seemed like a gift. For the electorate, it seemed like the campaign would be a place for those issues that had so ...
Pas fous ces canadians, ils peuvent exprimer leur racisme sous le voile de la lutte à l'intolérance: le peuple québécois est taré parce qu'il est intolérant! Quelle bande de cons!
Revue de presse
« L’intolérance qui dévore la politique québécoise devrait être un embarras historique. »
La campagne électorale québécoise continue de captiver commentateurs et éditorialistes. On s’interroge sur la réaction que devra avoir le reste du Canada advenant une victoire péquiste. On se penche sur le bilan du gouvernement libéral de Jean Charest. Mais la personne qui retient l’attention et est le sujet des analyses les plus assassines est sans contredit la chef péquiste Pauline Marois. Plusieurs l’accusent d...
Americans seem to like their televised political debates stiff and scripted. And for federal-election debates here in Canada, television tries to impose a lot of structure and formality: so many seconds for the prime minister on this question, so many seconds for his (or her) opponents. Quebec tried something new with this provincial election: four debates, with only the first one cast in the conventio...
Le Canada est tanné... Et alors?.... Vraiment comique, le bonhomme! Pas content, le boss? Le récit du Québécois colonisé, citoyen d'un Québec incapable de gérer ses propres affaires, souffrant d'un impérieux besoin de tutelle anglo-saxonne! Du plus haut comique!!!
Ce qui les exaspère le plus est le fait que malgré deux défaites référendaires, le Parti québécois maintient toujours à son programme la séparation du Québec et s'engage à la tenue d'un troisième référendum lorsqu'il accédera de nouveau au pouvoir.
Imagine if an Alberta politician campaigned on the need to ban French on signs outside of stores in this province, or at least to have English twice the size of French. Imagine also if she demanded that businesses with more than 10 employees enforce English as the lingua franca of the workplace. For good measure, imagine if the Alberta politician also demanded that new immigrants to the province educate thei...
MONTREAL In an election in which she seems to have a fairly good chance of winning power, Parti Québécois Leader Pauline Marois should be taking care to reassure Quebecers that under a PQ government all citizens would be welcomed as valuable members of the Quebec family with their rights respected, no matter who they are or where they’re from. Instead, with less than two weeks to go before the Sept. 4 vote, ...
Allô la profondeur! Deux english perdus dans la bourgade...
Maurice Richard a peut-être reçu la punition qu'il méritait et la Révolution tranquille ne résume pas les années 60
Je ne suis pas le premier à dire ça. Maurice Richard est devenu l'un des mythes fondateurs de la Révolution tranquille. Je ne veux pas nier l'importance de ce sentiment. Dans mes cours à Concordia, on examine le pour et le contre. Il y a des étudiants en faveur de Maurice Richard et d'autres qui trouvent que c'est une punition minime en raison du geste commis. Et il y a des francophones dans mes cours.
Jake Edmiston - The dynamics of the Quebec election appear to have shifted dramatically in the last few days as a new poll shows a surge in Liberal support following the televised leaders’ debate this past weekend. A Forum Research poll, conducted exclusively for the National Post, reveals a sudden turnaround in voters’ intentions, which had, in previous surveys, given the edge to the Parti Québéc...
Se moquer de ce qui nous dépasse, une manière (peu glorieuse) de sauver la face...
Sometimes you don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
Ah, the dog days of summer headlines. “Corruption is a hardy perennial.” “Lost woman faces off with bear.” “First Nations fear land grab.” (That last one is so 16th century). Oh, and this beauty: “Female Mounties to be allowed to wear pants.” LOL (ask your grandchildren). Seriously, it’s 2012: Mounties can wear turbans but they couldn’t (until now) wear pants? Apparently not, if they were female. And n...
Canada-Québec: la guerre permanente...
Amid the sturm und drang around Parti Québécois Leader Pauline Marois’s proposed charter of secularism last week, it is a curious fact that the issue of immigration and its critical importance for the province’s future got lost. There was lots of talk about whether immigrants should have the right to wear religious symbols on the job if they work in the provincial public sector, but nothing about Quebec’s pressing n...
As if the threat of separation wasn’t enough, Parti Québécois leader Pauline Marois has giv...
When I ride the bus to work, I pass a school with a cross at the top of the front of the building, a statue of the Virgin Mary below it and a name translated as Very Holy Sacrament School. It’s a public school, administered by a school board that is non-denominational, even though the board is named for a Catholic saint, Marguerite Bourgeoys. On Tuesday, in the campaign for the Sept. 4 Quebec election, the Parti ...
Whatever her intention, Pauline Marois’s proposed secular charter is bound to worsen the immigration crisis in Quebec.
The provin...
The hangover from the 1995 sovereignty referendum was not pretty for Montreal. Half a year after a vote th...
I just became a Quebecer. Not a real Quebecer though. I was born in Northwestern Ontario and I'm Anglophone. I've only lived here for a few months. Despite being here perma...
Puisque les chances d'un référendum gagnant sont nulles...
À moins que vous ne préfériez Québec-solidaire, ou Option-nationale, Fédéralistes, votez PQ ! lire le fichier attaché.