Tous les articles dans Montreal Gazette (930)


Quebec group has sold out the anglos it claims to represent

Its refusal to defend the rule of law and the English language is shocking

Former PM leaves questions unanswered

Who in Canada benefitted from the awarding of Airbus contract?

No smoking gun in Schreiber cash for Charest

But the real scandal is that the donation would be legal under Quebec laws today

A sad era in politics

Historians to look back on a time of envelopes stuffed with cash

For once, good news for both anglos and francophones

StatsCan figures give both groups good reasons to cheer

Anglos don't seem to understand accommodation crisis

Hearings in English underscore differences between Montrealers and other Quebecers

I don't want to be 'accommodated'

Accept me for who I am; The Quebec and Canadian charters were part of the deal when I came here

Chercher des poux

We might begin to hear new voices as hearings hit city

So far, old-stock francophones from the regions mainly had their say

Schreiber affair hurts reputation of all politicians

Former PM's explanation rings hollow with some people

What were they expecting?

Bouchard, Taylor offer a platform to any racist nutbar, and then criticize the media

Inquiry must find if tender system is for sale

How common is influence-peddling? That is what the probe should ask

'Nous wave' music sweeps Quebec

Popular songs of Mes AÏeux touch on themes of identity at the heart of reasonable-accommodation debate

Voters turned off by political game-playing

Quebecers don't like any party enough to give it majority government

Language and the Habs

Imagine the reaction if the Leafs captain addressed his fans solely in French

Lord Durham reported missing

But portrait and historical panel will reappear - and acknowledge his agenda for French Canada

Charest forgoes PST hike in favour of increasing fees

While we're busy yakking about Quebec's identity, we're missing the government's hand as it's getting ready to dig deeper into the pockets of many Quebecers.

Politically correct liberals sparked the accommodation debate

But after 9/11, our fear of The Other took over and our tolerance vanished

Charest's statement didn't help him

Premier's appeal for tolerance for minorities serves only to keep Marois's speak-French bill in the public eye

Who needs the accommodation commission?

The government is acting on the issue without waiting for the panel's report

"Censurez les intolérants"... gros bon sens rhodésien...

Monkey business about identity

Pauline Marois scores big with her citizenship bill

Marois's shoddy bill is nothing but a marketing tool

PQ threatens social climate just to make electoral gains

Bill 195 - a landmark in the annals of narrow-mindedness

PQ's citizenship proposal impedes Montreal's ambition to be open to the world

Demeaning identity bill lays out rules for joining 'Club Nous'

Real purpose of Marois's proposal is to consolidate her leadership