English is the lingua franca - get used to it

Tension linguistique - JJC trahit la nation!

Letter of the Day

English is the lingua franca – get used to it


Aaron R with Letter To The Editor Apr 2 PODCAST by Montreal Gazette
Jean-François Lisée’s March 29 article (Opinion, “Poll result surprised L’actualité”) left me wondering what a poll of francophones about the status of English in Montreal would show. Would they be as sympathetic to English as we are expected to be to French? I think not.
My son and daughter are fluent in both languages, and my grandchildren are coming out of kindergarten bilingual.
How much more of a commitment are we supposed to make to support French? Are we supposed to abandon our language completely and not use it in our homes?
The international language of business is English. If a unilingual anglo working in Montreal can sell billions of dollars of goods made in Quebec overseas, what is wrong with that? Unfortunately, a unilingual franco could not hold the same job in Toronto doing the same thing. Is this fair? No, of course not, but this is life and no one ever said life is fair. The “lingua franca” of the world for the foreseeable future is English.
Andy Edward
St. Lazare

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