Nouvel Ordre mondial

Celebrating the myth of America's divine right

America is an old country. Most of the nations of this world came into existence, in their present form, after the Second World War. France is on its fifth Republic; the People's Republic of China has been around for fewer than 60 years. But the United States of America declared its independence 231 years ago today; some form of Congress has been sitting since 1774; the Constitution has been in force since 17...

La forteresse Occident

C'est une hypothèse hardie, mais plausible. Au vu des attentats avortés de Londres et de Glasgow, on peut au moins la poser... Voilà: l'organisation Al-Qaïda, la terrible Al-Qaïda, serait-elle -- sur le théâtre occidental -- en voie d'être terrassée? Et plus particulièrement: après New York, Madrid et Londres, les Britanniques auraient-ils trouvé le secret de la victoire? La «famille» islamique internationale, si el...

La terreur et la chance

Nous aimerions croire que sans les folies guerrières de George W. Bush, le terrorisme n'existerait pas. Il serait temps de se rendre à l'évidence: les fanatiques islamistes en veulent à notre civilisation même. Que nous le voulions ou non, la guerre au terrorisme nous concerne tous. La chance ne sera pas toujours de notre côté.

Imperialism and Fascism are on the Rise in the USA

This is not to deny that we live in dangerous and taxing times, but Americans should pray that no major catastrophic event occur under George W. Bush’s watch, because all the necessary apparatus has been set into place to suspend liberties and freedoms and impose a fascist-like regime upon the American people when the pretext presents itself. This is a sobering thought.

Leaving No Tracks (4)

Environmental Policy - Dick Cheney steered some of the Bush administration's most important environmental decisions -- easing air pollution controls, opening public parks to snowmobiles and diverting river water from threatened salmon.

Sue Ellen Wooldridge, the 19th-ranking Interior Department official, arrived at her desk in Room 6140 a few months after Inauguration Day 2001. A phone message awaited her. "This is Dick Cheney," said the man on her voice mail, Wooldridge recalled in an interview. "I understand you are the person handling this Klamath situation. Please call me at -- hmm, I guess I don't know my own number. I'm over at the White Ho...

A Strong Push From Back Stage (3)

Dominating Budget Decisions - Working behind the scenes, Dick Cheney has made himself the dominant voice on tax and spending policy, outmaneuvering rivals for the president's ear.

Air Force Two touched down at the Greenbrier Valley Airport in West Virginia on Feb. 6, 2003, carrying Vice President Cheney to the annual retreat of Republican House and Senate leaders. He had come to sell them on the economic centerpiece of President Bush's first term: a $674 billion tax cut. Cheney had spent months making sure the package contained everything he wanted. One thing was missing. The presi...

Pushing the Envelope on Presidential Power (2)

Wars and Interrogations - Convinced that the “war on terror” required “robust interrogations” of captured suspects, Dick Cheney pressed the Bush administration to carve out exceptions to the Geneva Conventions.

Shortly after the first accused terrorists reached the U.S. naval prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, on Jan. 11, 2002, a delegation from CIA headquarters arrived in the Situation Room. The agency presented a delicate problem to White House counsel Alberto R. Gonzales, a man with next to no experience on the subject. Vice President Cheney's lawyer, who had a great deal of experience, sat nearby. The meeting mar...

A Different Understanding With the President (1)

Working in the Background - A master of bureaucracy and detail, Cheney exerts most of his influence out of public view.

Just past the Oval Office, in the private dining room overlooking the South Lawn, Vice President Cheney joined President Bush at a round parquet table they shared once a week. Cheney brought a four-page text, written in strict secrecy by his lawyer. He carried it back out with him after lunch. In less than an hour, the document traversed a West Wing circuit that gave its words the power of command. It changed hands ...

La méthode Cheney mise au jour

En ce 24 juin, le Washington Post publie la première partie d’une série de reportages sur Dick Cheney, le plus puissant et le plus secret des vice-présidents de l’histoire des États-Unis. L’article d’aujourd’hui donne un exemp...

Cheney le ténébreux

Agence France-Presse - Le vice-président Dick Cheney, l'un des personnages les plus controversés de l'administration américaine, a de nouveau forcé la Maison-Blanche à justifier ses agissements vendredi. Un texte présidentiel impose que toute entité de l'exécutif rende compte annuellement de la quantité d'informations qu'elle garde secrètes. Le président d'une commission parlementaire, Henry Waxman, un m...

Adam et Ève au musée créationniste

Petersburg, Kentucky - Adam et Ève sont nus, plantés jusqu'à la taille dans un bassin d'eau fraîche. Adam est barbu et musclé. Ève a les seins pudiquement recouverts de ses longs cheveux marron. Le couple se regarde dans les yeux avec toute l'intensité dont sont capables deux poupées Barbie grandeur nature. La scène est idyllique. Elle précède...

La cote de popularité du Congrès démocrate s'effondre

Stephen Collinson - En moins de six mois, le Congrès américain dominé par les démocrates a réussi à se rendre plus impopulaire que le président George W. Bush qui atteint déjà des records de mécontentement, selon des sondages. Selon un sondage Gallup publié jeudi, seuls 14% des Américains font confiance au Congrès, le plus bas score jamais enregistré par cet institut, tandis qu'ils sont 32% à être satisfait...